1. Greater Houston Dental Society’s Veterans Smile Day offices need volunteer hygienists!
Dr. Amelia Wang (Heights location)
Needs: 2 hygienists for Sat. Nov. 20
Email: drwang@houstondentaloasis.com
Dr. Kyle Hale (League City location)
Needs: # not specified for Fri. Nov. 12
Email: FrontLC@newteethtexas.com
2. Project Saving Smiles is a Sealant Program for 2nd graders in schools where 50% of the students are on Free or Reduced Lunch program. Below you will find more information regarding the upcoming missions.

Teresita E. Ladrillo DMD, MPH
Bureau Chief
Bureau of Oral Health
Houston Health Department
Phone: (832) 393-4534
E-mail: Teresita.Ladrillo@houstontx.gov
Ms. Lisa Foster
PSS School Liaison
Email: Lisa.Foster@houstontx.gov