






Section 1 – Name: The name of this organization shall be the Greater Houston Dental Hygienists’ Society, hereinafter called GHDHS.


Section 2 – Affiliation: GHDHS is a component affiliate of the Texas Dental Hygienists’ Association, hereinafter called TDHA, and of the American Dental Hygienists’ Association, hereinafter called ADHA.


Section 3 – Purpose: The purposes of this organization shall be to improve the oral health of the public; to advance the art and science of dental hygiene; to maintain the highest standards of dental hygiene education and practice; to represent and protect the interest of the dental hygiene profession; to improve the professional competence of the dental hygienists; to foster research in oral health; to provide professional communication; and to conduct other activities as may be permitted by the state of Texas to carry out the purposes of this organization.


Section 4 – Mission Statement: To improve the public’s health, the mission of the ADHA is to advance the art and science of dental hygiene by ensuring access to quality oral health care, increasing awareness of the cost-effective benefits of prevention, promoting the highest standards of dental hygiene education, licensure, practice, research, and representing and promoting the interests of dental hygienists.







Section 1 – Classification: The members of the Society shall be classified as either Voting or Non-Voting.


Section 2 – Voting Members: Membership in ADHA, a constituent, and a component, if one exists, shall be required.


  1. Active Members: Any dental hygienist who holds a certificate or degree in dental hygiene granted pursuant to a dental hygiene program which has a minimum of two academic years of curriculum provided in a college or institution of higher education, the program of which is recognized by the United States Department of Education and/or an appropriate national voluntary agency, or who is licensed to practice dental hygiene in the United States under the provision of a “grandfather clause”; who is licensed to practice in any state, territory or possession of the United States if such license is required for the practice of dental hygiene; who agrees to adhere to the By-Laws and Code of Ethics of this Association; and who agrees to hold membership in the American Dental Hygienists’ Association and a Component of the Association if such exists where the member is licensed, practicing or residing; shall be eligible for Active Membership in this Association upon application to this Constituent or the ADHA Executive Director.


  1. Life Members: Any voting member who has made contributions of component importance that impact both the dental hygiene profession and the local society shall be eligible for GHDHS life membership upon application to the board of trustees, nomination by the board of trustees and election by the general assembly. An elected president of the Society who has completed the term of office shall automatically become a life member of GHDHS.


  1. Retired/Senior Members: Any active member who has reached the age of sixty two (62) years and has been an Active Member for at least (1) 25 years, (2) 20 consecutive years or (3) continuously from the date of eligibility shall be eligible for Retired/Senior Membership upon application to the ADHA Executive Director and accompanied by proof of qualifications.


  1. Members with Disabilities: Any dental hygienist who has a disability, has been a voting member and is prohibited from being employed due to the person’s disability shall be eligible for Members with Disabilities Membership upon application to the ADHA Executive Director, submitted through and verified by the members constituent and/or component and accompanied by proof of qualifications.

Section 3 – Non-Voting Members: shall be Honorary, Student, Supporting, Allied, International and Corporate Members


  1. Honorary Members: Any individual, not a dental hygienist, who has made outstanding contribution to dental hygiene or dental health, shall be eligible for honorary membership upon nomination by the Board of Trustees and election by the house of delegates.


  1. Student Members: Any student in an accredited dental hygiene program or a graduate of an accredited dental hygiene program who is pursuing a baccalaureate or graduate degree complementary to a career in dental hygiene, shall be eligible for student membership upon application to the executive director, following recommendation by the director or a duly-appointed representative of the institution.


  1. Supporting Members: Any licensed dental hygienist who is not employed in a dental hygiene related career, and who agrees to adhere to the Constitution and By-Laws of GHDHS shall be eligible for Supporting Membership upon application to and verification by the executive director. Enrollment in this category shall require membership as a Supporting Member in ADHA, a constituent, and component, if one exists.


  1. Allied Members: Any individual who supports the purposes and mission of the association and who is not otherwise qualified for any other class of membership shall be eligible for Allied Membership upon application to the ADHA Executive Director.


  1. International Members: Any licensed dental hygienist residing outside the United States who agrees to adhere to the By-Laws and Code of Ethics of this association shall be eligible for International Membership upon application to the Executive Director of ADHA.


  1. Corporate Members: Any corporation, institution, or organization, which supports the mission of this association, shall be eligible for Corporate Membership upon application to the ADHA Executive Director.


Section 4 – Privileges of Members:


  1. Voting members shall have the right to vote, hold office, be elected a delegate or alternate to the house of delegates, be elected or appointed to any office, board, council, or committee of this association and of the constituent and the component to which the member belongs, and such other privileges as the house of delegates may determine.


  1. Non-voting members shall have such privileges as the house of delegates shall determine, but shall not have the right to vote or hold office, with the exception of one voting student delegate.



Section 5 – Resignation: A member desiring to resign from the association shall submit such resignation in writing to the executive director. No member’s resignation shall be accepted until all prior dues, fees, and assessments are paid.


Section 6 – Non-Payment: : If a member fails to pay dues, fees, or assessments within 30 days from the time they become due, or ceases to be a member of the constituent, component, or other organization required for membership in the association, membership shall automatically terminate.


Section 7 – Reinstatement: Any member having resigned from the membership may be reinstated upon application to the constituent in the area in which the member is licensed, practicing, or residing. Any member who has forfeited membership for non-payment of dues, fees, or assessments may be reinstated upon application to the appropriate constituent or the ADHA executive director, and upon meeting such uniform terms as may be established by the Board of Trustees.



Section 8 – Suspension/Expulsion: Members of the association may have their membership suspended or may be expelled from the association by the board of trustees for cause. Sufficient cause for such suspension or expulsion of membership may be a violation of these by-laws, or any lawful rule, practice, or procedure adopted by the association. The house of delegates may adopt such rules as may be necessary to assure due process to the member. The decision for suspension or expulsion shall be by three-fourths (3/4) vote of the board of trustees.



Section 9 – Dues: The amount of annual due, fees, and assessments for any class of membership in the Association shall be established by the house of delegates. A two-thirds (2/3) vote shall be required for any dues increase.







Section 1 – Regular Sessions: The regular meetings of the Society shall be held on the first Tuesday of each month from September to May inclusive unless otherwise ordered by the Society or by the Board of Trustees.


Section 2 – Procedure: “Roberts’ Rule of Order” (revised) shall govern the Society in its deliberations when not in conflict with these By-Laws.


Section 3 – Special Sessions:


  1. May be called by:      

(1)       the President and approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote at a regular session

                        (2)       Board of Trustees


  1. Notices shall be mailed:

                        (1)       not less than ten (10) days prior to the date of such a meeting

                        (2)       list statement of business to be considered


Section 4 – Quorum: A quorum shall consist of no less than 20 voting members attending the meeting.








Section 1 –Number of Delegates: Shall be specified by the Texas Dental Hygienists’ Association according to this Society’s membership. The same number of Alternate Delegates may be elected, and in the absence of the Delegate, the Alternate Delegate shall be seated at any meeting of the House of Delegates.


Section 2 – Certified Delegates: The TDHA trustee shall send the names of the elected Delegates and Alternates to the constituent Secretary so proper credentials can be issued for pre-registration.


Section 3 – Election of Delegates:


  1. The President and President-Elect shall automatically be delegates unless they serve on the Board of Directors of the Texas Dental Hygienists’ Association.


  1. Nominations will be presented to the membership at a regular session by the Board of Trustees. Nominations will be accepted from the floor. At the following monthly session additional nominations may be made from the floor, and voting will be made by ballot. The specified number of candidates receiving the most votes will be elected; those with the highest number of votes will become Delegates while those with the next highest number of votes will become Alternate Delegates.






Section 1 – Composition: The elective officers of this Society shall be a President, a President-Elect, a First Vice-President, a Second Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, the Immediate Past President, two Trustees and the TDHA Component Trustee.


Section 2 – Qualifications: Only a Voting Member of this Society shall be eligible to serve as an elected officer. In order to be eligible for election as President-Elect, a member must have served a minimum of one (1) term in the BOT of the GHDHS.


Section 3 – Tenure of Office


  1. The elective officers shall serve a term of one (1) year.


  1. The President-Elect, upon completion of the term of officer shall succeed to the office of President without election, to serve a term of one (1) year.


  1. The President, upon completion of the term of officer shall succeed to the office of Immediate Past President without election, to serve for a term of one (1) year.


Section 4 – Nominations: At the March Session of this Society, the Nominating Committee shall present officer candidates. Nominations from the floor will be accepted.


Section 5 – Elections: The election of officers shall be at the April session; nominations from the floor will be accepted. The officers shall be elected by written ballot. A majority vote shall be necessary for each nominee. In case of more than two candidates, and none receiving a majority vote, the ones receiving the lease number of votes shall be dropped and a new ballot taken on the two receiving the greatest number of votes. After all nominees have received a majority vote, the President shall declare each nominee elected.


Section 6 – Installation of Officers: Shall be at the last regular session of the year.


Section 7 – Vacancies: In the event the office of President becomes vacant, the First Vice-President shall serve as President for the remaining unexpired term. In the event the office of First Vice-President becomes vacant, the Second Vice-President shall serve as First Vice-President for the remaining unexpired term. If a vacancy occurs in the office of Second Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, or the Trustees, the Board of Trustees shall fill the vacancy by a majority vote. In the event the office of President-Elect becomes vacant, the office shall be voted on by the general membership. The Board of Trustees shall present nominations, and nominations shall be taken from the membership. Election will be held at the next meeting provided that written notice has been given ten (10) days prior to the meeting. In the event the Immediate Past President cannot fulfill their duties, the office remains unfilled.


Section 8 – Duties: The elective officers shall perform those duties regularly and customarily pertaining to the offices they hold, except as otherwise provided by the By-Laws. It shall be the duty of all elective officers to assist the President when the President so designates. Guidelines are provided in the Policy and Procedure Manual for each office. The duties shall include but not be limited to the following:


  1. President


(1)       to serve as an official representative of this Society for the purpose of advancing the objectives and policies of this Society.


                        (2)       to preside at all regular and special sessions.


                        (3)       to preside at all Board meetings.


(4)       to appoint the Chairman of each Committee, except Nominating, of this Society with the approval of the Board of Trustees.


(5)       to submit to the TDHA House of Delegates an annual written report of the activities of each office.


  1. President-Elect


(1)       maintain liaison with the Greater Houston Dental Society, the Greater Houston Dental Assistants’ Society, and the Women’s Auxiliary to the Greater Houston Dental Society.


(2)       to be in charge of revisions and distribution of the Policy and Procedure Manual of this Society.


  1. First Vice-President


(1)       to preside at Board meetings and regular session in the absence of the President.


                        (2)       shall chair a committee or council


  1. Second Vice-President shall serve as a chair of a committee or council


  1. Secretary shall serve as Secretary of this Society at regular and special sessions and at session of Board of Trustees.


  1. Treasurer


                        (1)       to serve as Budget and Finance Chairman


(2)       to serve as Custodian of all monies and securities belonging to this Society. To receive, disburse and hold the same.


                        (3)       to serve on roster committee


  1. Immediate Past President


(1)       shall serve in an advisory capacity


(2)       shall serve as chair of Nominating Committee


  1. Trustees shall each chair a committee.


  1. TDHA Trustee shall serve as liaison officer between GHDHS and the TDHA.







Section 1 – Composition: The Board of Trustees shall consist of the elected officers. All Committee Chairmen shall serve as ex-officio members of the Board of Trustees without vote or participation in the quorum.


Section 2 – Session: This Board shall meet upon call by the President or two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Trustees and shall transact the business of this Society, referring to the Society as a whole for consideration and action on such matters as in its judgment deserve to be so handled. This Board shall meet at least three (3) times a year.


Section 3 – Rights and Duties


  1. shall be the administrative body of the Society.


  1. shall include but not be limited to the following:


                        (1)       nominate candidates for honorary membership


(2)       approve the final budget of the GHDHS and make amendments as needed throughout the year


(3)       nominate the TDHA Delegates and Alternate Delegates to be elected by the general assembly


(4)       to determine the amount of bonding necessary for those handling assets


(5)       to determine the need for an audit by a committee appointed by the Board of Trustees


                        (6)       call special meetings.


(7)       administer and determine the eligibility of the Membership Aid Fund.


(8)       update and amend Policy and Procedure for the BOT, officers, and committees.


Section 4 – Quorum: Six (6) members of the Board of Trustees will provide for a quorum and the transaction of business.







Section 1 – Composition: The committees of this Society shall be unlimited in number. Each committee shall be composed of not less than three (3) members, where applicable, the Chairman to be appointed by the President and approved by the Board of Trustees, the members will be appointed by the Chairman. All committee members shall serve until their successors are appointed.


Section 2 – Eligibility: Any member may be appointed to serve on any committee.


Section 3 – Vacancies: In the event of a vacancy of a Committee Chairman, the President, with the approval of the Board of Trustees, may appoint a qualified member to fill such vacancy.


Section 4 – Expenses: The Society shall pay the expenses of each committee, provided such expenditures are incurred in conformity with the budget or approved by the Board of Trustees.


Section 5 – Reports: The Chairman of each committee shall submit a written report to the President at the completion of their term in May.


Section 6 – Standing Councils: The standing councils of this Society are: Administrative Council, Governmental Affairs Council, Public Affairs Council, Professional Education Council, and Member Services Council.


Section 7 – Standing Committees: The standing committees of this Society are: Constitution and By-Laws, Governmental Affairs, Dental Health, Nominating, Employment Information, Budget and Finance, Publications, Programs, Continuing Education, Historical, Ways and Means, Telephone, Custodian of Files, Hospitality, Policy and Procedure, SADHA, Community Outreach, Website, Roster, Newsletter, Circulation, and Awards.


Section 8 – Standing Liaisons: The standing liaisons of this Society are: Texas Hygienists’ Political Action Committee (Tex Hy-PAC) and Institute of Oral Health (IOH).


Section 9 – Duties: The performance of the duties prescribed by the membership and the Board of Trustees shall adhere to the Policy and Procedure Handbook of GHDHS.


Section 10 – Resignation: If a committee chairman must resign as chairman, a written notice of resignation must be submitted to the President.







Section 1 – Non-Profit: This Society shall not have or issue shares of stock and no dividends shall be declared or paid by this Society. No part of the net income or earnings of the Society shall inure to the benefit of any individual member or be distributed to its members or officers.


Section 2 – Bonding: Bonding shall be set by the Board of Trustees on those officers and/or committee chairman handling significant assets.


Section 3 – Scholarship: This Society shall contribute annually to the TDHA Scholarship Fund and the ADHA Institute of Oral Health.


Section 4 – Fiscal Year: shall be from June 1st to May 31st.


Section 5 – Use of Funds and Dissolution: The GHDHS shall use its funds only to accomplish the Purposes and Mission states in these By-Laws, and no part of its funds shall inure or be distributed to the members of the Society. On dissolution of the Society, all funds remaining shall be distributed to ADHA, but in the event ADHA previously has been dissolved, to one or more regularly organized and qualified professional societies, trade associations, charitable, educational, scientific, or philanthropic organizations shall at the time qualify as a tax-exempt organization or organization(s) under Section 501(c)(6) or Section 501(c)(3) or the Internal Revenue Code (or the corresponding provision of any future United States internal revenue statute) to be selected by the GHDHS Board of Trustees.


Section 6 – Indemnification: The GHDHS shall have the power to indemnify all officers, delegates, committee chairman, employee or agent of the Society to the full extent permitted by law. The Society shall be entitled to purchase insurance for such indemnification to the full extent as determined from time to time by the Board of Trustees.


Section 7 – Membership Aid Fund: This Society shall provide a Membership Aid Fund to help members financially when they represent this Society, TDHA, ADHA, or help to further dental hygiene in any other manner which may be decided by the BOT. Application shall be made to the BOT by March 1st of that fiscal year. The amount of the fund shall be determined when the budget is approved.








            The foregoing By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote at any regular or special session, provided the proposed changes have been presented in writing at any previous session or have appeared in the GHDHS Newsletter at least ten (10) days prior to the session.







            This Society shall adopt and maintain a Constitution and By-Laws which shall not conflict with those of the TDHA and the ADHA and shall file three (3) copies thereof with TDHA, and any changes made thereafter in same, with the Constitution and By-Laws Committee of theses associations and with the Executive Director of the ADHA.

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