Greater Houston Dental Hygienists’ Association

About Us
We are the local level of the tripartite, American Dental Hygienists’ Association. We serve the local membership in their jurisdictions by informing them of state policies and programs and monitoring legislation.
Our Mission
To improve the public’s health, the mission of the ADHA is to advance the art and science of dental hygiene by ensuring access to quality oral health care, increasing awareness of the cost-effective benefits of prevention, promoting the highest standards of dental hygiene education, licensure, practice, research, and representing and promoting the interests of dental hygienists.
Our Officers
Greater Houston Dental Hygienists’ Association is led by a group of officers who are dedicated to the improvement of oral health, the provision of excellent patient care and collaboration with other professionals in the field of dental hygiene.
Raha Naderi
Catherine Berger
TDHA Trustee
Leslie Ball
Immediate Past President
TeriLynn Rao
FIrst Vice President
Theresa Dufrene
Second Vice President
Suzanna Stevens
Ester Garcia
President Elect
Karen Gaspard
Houston Trustee
Andrea Scott
Houston Trustee
Catherine Berger
TDHA Trustee
Josette Chen