Let the gourd times roll! It’s time to sign up for our November Monthly Meeting & CE!
This is a *VIRTUAL ONLY* event.
Also, we will be voting for our TDHA delegates at this meeting!
**Please note the change in topic updated on 11/1.
Topic: Diabetes By the Numbers – Managing the Diabetic Patient (1.5CE)
Speaker: Jamie Collins, RDH
Date: Tuesday, 11/9
Time: 6:30PM – 9:00PM
Cost: FREE for ADHA Members // $15 for Non-members
Click here to register for our November meeting: https://forms.gle/Mcq6qdqgkwHGwd617
(*A Zoom meeting link will be sent to your email THE DAY BEFORE THE EVENT.)
Thirty -three million Americans are afflicted by Diabetes Mellitus, with 7.2 million cases undiagnosed. With the increasing diabetes epidemic, it is estimated that by the year 2050 one in three Americans will be diabetic in their lifetime. Diabetic patients are 2-3 times more likely to develop periodontal disease than non-diabetics. With 80% of diabetics residing in the middle and lower class American society dental clinicians have the ability to make a difference in the life of these individuals. In 2020 there have been new CDT codes implemented to aide dental care workers to identify and help manage the oral systemic link of diabetes. This course will help identify the types, causes and treatments to provide the best care possible.
• Attendees will review the types and causes of Diabetes Mellitus
• Introduce latest statistics of diabetes nationally and worldwide
• Review of common medications used to treat diabetes and related conditions
• Introduce alternative glucose monitoring systems in diabetes care
• Discuss link of periodontal disease and diabetes control
• Attendees will get an introduction to new CDT code for HbA1c in-office testing
• Discuss oral systemic link and risks
• Discuss implementing oral care routines for diabetic patients that may be instrumental for improved homecare
Jamie Collins, RDH is a clinical practicing hygienist in Idaho state. She has been in the dental field for nearly twenty years both as an assistant and hygienist. In addition to clinical practice Jamie is also an educator, speaker and has contributed to multiple textbooks and curriculum development. In addition to writing textbooks she is also a frequently published author for RDH Magazine, DentistyIQ and RDH eVillage.
Thank you to our November Monthly Meeting Sponsor, Advanced Dental Hygiene! https://advanceddentalhygiene.com/
Thank you to our Gold Sponsor, Dental Force! http://dentalforcetx.com/index.html