Going virtual doesn’t mean going without the high-quality content that makes this the premier dental hygiene event of the year. We are offering 21 CEs with 30+ sessions, including 10 live presentations — all in one weekend. We’ll be discussing current topics including employment, infection prevention, advocacy, marijuana and so much more. It will be an action- and education-packed three days.
It’s a tough time for all of us. The virtual conference enables us to widen our reach AND offer cost-effective CE along with new ways to connect with exhibitors, and each other. The fees have been reduced to 50% of the in-person event to make this accessible to as many dental hygienists as possible.
You already registered for the in-person Annual Conference, so what does this mean for you?
Watch your inbox for a follow-up registration email on Wednesday, April 29. This email will contain details for your options to roll over your registration fee to the Virtual Conference, apply it to the 2021 Annual Conference, OR request a full refund. It will also address cancellations for hotels booked through ADHA. Check out the still-evolving details in our FAQs on the website, and check back for updates regarding the session lineup, virtual social events, exhibitor news and more at www.adha2020.org .
Thank you for hanging in there with us during this unprecedented situation. Stay well. Stay connected. And stay tuned for more.