About Us
The Greater Houston Dental Hygienists’ Association is the local group of the American Dental Hygienists’ Association. We serve the local membership in the jurisdictions by informing them of state policies and programs and monitoring legislation.
To improve the public’s health, the mission of the ADHA is to advance the art and science of dental hygiene by ensuring access to quality oral health care, increasing awareness of the cost-effective benefits of prevention, promoting the highest standards of dental hygiene education, licensure, practice, research, and representing and promoting the interests of dental hygienists.
The purposes of this organization shall be to improve the oral health of the public; to advance the art and science of dental hygiene; to maintain the highest standards of dental hygiene education and practice; to represent and protect the interest of the dental hygiene profession; to improve the professional competence of the dental hygienists; to foster research in oral health; to provide professional communication; and to conduct other activities as may be permitted by the state of Texas to carry out the purposes of this organization.

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